Enhancing Human Resources Management through Stringent Labour Law Practices

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Pertama Ferroalloys had recently hosted a Labour Law talk on 19th of August designed to enhance its people management, through a comprehensive understanding of the legal aspects of Sarawak Labour Ordinance.

Mr. Lio Siang Yun, Ketua Pejabat Tenaga Kerja Bintulu (Labour Department Bintulu) spoke during the event covering a range of topics including Sarawak Labour Law, Labour Compliance Checklist, Forced Labour Indicators, and Precedent Non-Compliance Cases. The approach presented during the session ensures the participants to be well-versed in the legal and practical aspects of Sarawak labor management. 

With a limited capacity of 40 participants ranging from supervisory to executive levels, the talk covers how the principles of the Ordinance could be practiced by an organization, its human resources team, and the application to its employees. 

Mr. Lio also presented on a few case studies on how the Ordinance could be exercised on a day-to-day labour crisis. The attendees were also provided with both theoretical and practical sessions, to ensure a well-rounded understanding of the training.

The talk is a part of the initiative of the Human Resources Department at Pertama in its commitment to enhance its people management practices. Aligning with the company’s sustainable goals in putting its people first, this initiatives could ultimately create a more efficient and harmonious environment in the workplace.